Sunday, March 18, 2012

No fight left in this dog.

My marathon training & experience blog has become An abandoned wasteland with a lot of tumbleweeds. My story:

After my amazing (to me) 9 mile run I wrote about, I started to get this annoying ITBS pain I just couldn't kick. I went through my busiest time at work and ran the little amounts I could while in pain, busy and doing a very intense 8 week MBA class.

When my work & class were over and I had some time, I went to the doc & I scheduled a physical therapy appointment. While I waited to see the PT, I went out determined to run my scheduled 12 miles. I made it 10 before I wanted to sit in the road and call someone to carry me home. (I managed to walk, but it was painful.)

I saw the therapist last Thursday and he cleared me to run as far as I could (even if I was in pain) as long as it didn't leave residual pain for hours/days after. Before I saw him, I was able to do 2 miles that way, so he said i should try 3. I was able to do that yesterday, so I thought I'd be able to do the same or further today if I added walk breaks. Uh, yeah... No. I gave up and quit at 2.5 today. Not only did my knee hurt, but the related hip too. Plus the wind.. Oh how I hate this area and that the wind never quits.

My next therapy appointment is Tuesday morning. I guess you could say this is now more of a "injury recovery" blog than a marathon training one. You're still welcome to come along for the ride if you choose. ;)