Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Working on Form

Today was another planned easy run at 12:09 for four miles. This pace continues for another couple weeks, which is okay by me. I was having plantar fasciitis and big toe pain from my two weekend runs, so after talking to some of you and trying different things, I decided to really try to stick close to this slower pace while working on my form tonight.

I am typically a midfoot to forefoot striker, but with the toe pain I wanted to stay off of it and focus more on a midfoot strike. I also spent a lot of time making sure I was using my core to keep me upright and not lean too far forward or back when I got tired. This seemed to really help! My PF pain didn't increase, my big toe pain was fine, no ITB trouble.. we may be on to something here friends! Despite hating this run and wanting it to be over the whole time I was on the treadmill, I tried to also keep the tension out of my shoulders. I think this was all around a good learning experience. It's wonderful when you can take something positive like this away from an uncomfortable workout. Lori: 1 - Terrible Runs: 0

Off days are going to be spent strengthening my core, so this becomes easier and hopefully a lot of my ailments go away. I corrected my pelvis tilting with yoga, so I really believe stretches and strength training are key. Looking forward to what's to come from now until May! I haven't missed a training run yet, although I may modify this week. I'm in no hurry, since I have 23 weeks to do a 16 week plan... :)

Tonight: 4 miles - 47:55 - Treadmill Run - Felt Like Tired Crap

Monday, December 26, 2011

Slushy Long Run

Most everyone heard me hmm and haw about doing my long run today. I had one failed attempt where there was just too much ice everywhere. I'm glad I finally went out when it got a bit warmer later in the day. I was having plantar fasciitis problems since my 4 mile run Christmas Eve, after a few miles that was hurting pretty badly, my ITB starts screaming, then that hip jumps in. It was almost like a little Gremlin was running up my leg stabbing me at the joints! I was glad I could mentally compartmentalize the pain and just keep my feet moving. That was definitely a breakthrough. Since coming in to the warm house I'm feeling much better! My splits were kind of all over the place, but that's okay with me at this point, I was still slightly faster than pace every mile.

I have a dilemma, maybe you guys can help... My husband is going to start training with me next week for the half marathon he & I decided to do before I got these grand plans to run a marathon the month before that. He's not a runner. He ran with me a bit last winter, but when I had surgery and couldn't run for couple months he quit. He's amazing on a mountain bike (I want to cry & quit, but he keeps me going), so I hope I can inspire him the same way. Nothing challenges me more than his 15+ mile dirt road, all hills biking workouts. :D

The problem is, I'm running longer on the weekends and I often run at the gym while he is still working for my shorter runs during the week. Should I train him on my off days? I'm thinking that's going to wear me out pretty fast and with my propensity for injuries it worries me. Should I just do my shorter runs with him at night and skip going to the gym before hand? If he's got a 3 miler on the schedule and I have 5, should I run at the gym my first 2 & then run 3 with him? Any great ideas out there?? Suggestions welcome!

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Merry 4 Miles

I'm on the 3rd run of my 2nd week of training. I have a partial post catching you up to this point, but I'll finish it up later...

Washington is cold in the winter. Most adults know this even if they don't live here. I drag my feet to do outdoor runs in the freezing cold, but I always enjoy it when I get out there. This was a week of highs and lows in running and life for me. I had a crappy 5 mile long run Monday (low). Tuesday I got straight As in my first MBA semester and two good runs (high). Thursday my boss told me she didn't think I would/could want to be CFO if she's hired for the CEO position (low). I fight self-confidence issues just like many others, so it's painful when other people don't believe in me too. It's like it validates that nagging voice I hate. Many Twitter friends were helpful through this though. Thank you all!

I got my butt ready to go this morning, it was an easy 4 miles at 12:09 pace on the schedule. I figured if al went to hell I could at least walk/jog and still make that pace, but I was intent on running it all if at all possible, freezing or not!

Before I knew it I was at 1.33 miles then 2, then 2.65. You get the point. I was just doing my thing, listening to music, ready to pepper spray any dog or jerk who dare break my serenity. Beginning the 3rd mile I'm seeing the snow fall in bigger and bigger flakes and it's surreal; something from a Christmas movie. I'm listening to Black Eyed Peas "Boom Boom Pow" and one line says, "I'm a beast when you turn me on," and "harder, better, faster, stronger." Which I obviously turn to my own context and remember, I'm a BAMF and no one is going to tell me what job I can do, how far I can run, how fast I can go, or anything else. I got where I am proving other people's stereotypes wrong. This pushed me mentally and woke me up. On my 4th mile I start to not only run faster, but having fun doing it. I forgot I was freezing and started running with my tongue sticking out, catching snow flakes!

The whole run was an amazing self-affirming 45 minutes with just my thoughts. A thing of beauty. My splits were 11:43, 11:39, 11:35, and 11:15 with gas left in the tank for more. Did I mention I'm no good at 12:09 pace?

I hope you all have a very Merry Christmas! I'm planning on 7 miles tomorrow.