Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Treadmill Runs, Growth, and Looking Forward

When I began running I didn't want to go out in the cold or rain (although I still am not big on rain), but I feel like I've grown, because I would much rather be out in the freezing cold than be stuck on a treadmill for any length of time. I am biting my nails waiting for the time later this month when it might be light enough for me to run at about 6am before work. I've also never been a morning runner, so this will be a switch for me too. I'm learning that I am just so worn out by the end of the day that being tired + being stuck with the treadmill seems like the worst combination ever. I have been managing so far, but anything over about 3 miles is mental torture.

Today's training run was 4 easy miles again at a 12:09 pace. This slow of a pace makes the torture worse, so I tend to go faster. Tonight's pace was 11:48 for 4.1 miles. I am getting closer to the slower time on long runs and I'm guessing this weekend's 9 miler will be pretty close to the easy pace (just in time to increase it! ha!).

My left calf, which never gives me problems, was still a little tight from Monday's run. Someone at work (ahem, person who gave me flu), reminded me that my electrolytes may be off from having been sick. That made total sense, because all of my muscles have been cramping. I'm drinking some Nuun right now and taking potassium & magnesium. I'm going to keep doing this all week and see if it helps. My PF was also a bit painful, but I do think the new Brooks, plus stretching and trying to watch my form are helping. If I can whittle my body down to one pain or less, I'd say that's a win!

Next runs are Saturday: 4 easy and Sunday: LSD 9 miles easy (both 12:09). I'm looking forward to trying 9. Longest I have ever raced is 12k, which is about 7.5ish. Last time I tried to run 9 I fell on my butt after 2 and didn't get to finish! This will be a new distance PR for me, provided I don't crash & burn. It will also be a great opportunity for me to practice fueling and keeping my pace where it should be.


  1. Hope the cramping improves. I used to get that a lot in my feet and calves too when my electrolytes were off. Me, I'd rather run on TM now than in the rain or cold. :)

  2. If I had something decent to watch on TV on the treadmill I might not mind it. Tonight I took your suggestions & turned the TV on, but news was about all I could find. I didn't spend much time messing with it. We mostly have it there for doing workout DVDs. I think we may have satellite setup. See how much I use that TV? LOL
